Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Are you looking forward to losing weight? Do you want to adopt a healthy lifestyle? If yes, a weekly diet plan is the best option. The weekly diet plan ensures that you don’t need to follow a new diet for a long time. At the same point in time, if you follow it to the last detail, you will witness some weight loss. It makes it easier for you to embark on a weight loss journey.

Many people who want to lose weight opt for a diet plan doing the rounds on the Internet. You need a better diet plan than that. The calorific requirements of men and women are different. When you’re looking to lose weight, it is good to choose the diet plan according to your gender. It will allow you to lose weight quickly and provide the necessary nutrients to your body. While at the start, it might seem difficult to add to the diet but as time goes on, it will become easier.

We will today share with you 7 Day diet plan for men which you can easily follow. The diet plan below offers you not only versatility but also strict adherence to the required calorie consumption.


There are a few preparations which you need to do in advance to follow this diet. These include soaking overnight oats and making veggie soup. You can grill the chicken breasts in advance. When you prepare the ingredients in advance, it will be easier for you to follow the diet plan. It will also be less time-consuming which will allow you to stick to the diet plan irrespective of your schedule.

Day 1:


You can start breakfast with a green smoothie. You can use ingredients like banana, mango, kale, low-fat yogurt, avocado, non-fat milk. It will allow you to satisfy your appetite and at the same point in time provide you essential nutrients without a lot of fat.

The green smoothie will also ensure that the digestive process is enhanced. It helps you gain energy to work throughout the day. Moreover, banana is an appetite suppressant which ensures that you do not feel hungry very soon. Avocado adds Potassium to the breakfast whereas kale fulfills the need for antioxidants and vitamins C. All in all, it is a breakfast which is fulfilling in nutrients and also satisfies your appetite.

Morning snack:

You have to eliminate binge eating when you’re on a diet. The best way to do so is to nibble on something healthy in between meals. The morning snack which you can have can include 1 Apple and 1 ounce of nuts. It is rich in dietary fiber and antioxidants. It can also help you control hypertension. When you look at nuts, they offer you antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids. Nuts also consist of calcium which is an added advantage.


You have to replace your usual lunch with two bowls of veggie soup. It will provide you with the essential nutrients and at the same time reduce the amount of fat which you consume. You can quickly fulfill your calorie goals by just having two bowls of veggie soup.

The advantage of the veggie soup is that it offers you multiple nutrients like calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin A among other nutrients. All of these nutrients come with little calories. Hence, it is easy for you to get all the nutrients while consuming fewer calories.

Afternoon snack:

Two tablespoons of hummus along with 1 cup baby carrots and peas is the best option for you when it comes to the afternoon snack. Hummus contains protein and fiber, carrots provide Vitamin A, and peas add vitamin C, manganese and copper to your diet.


You can have a large fair but one which is carefully selected. You can have 4 ounces of Salmon, two tablespoons of teriyaki sauce, one teaspoon of sesame seeds, steamed carrots, and broccoli. The variety of food can keep your taste buds satisfied. The nutrient-rich food ensures that instead of consuming fat, you have actual nutrients which are beneficial for your body.

The diet which we have mentioned above is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, antioxidants, potassium, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, and Vitamin C.

Pro Tip:

You have to bake the salmon instead of using any other cooking technique. You can do so at 400oF. It will just take you 10 to 15 minutes to prepare it.

The total calorie count for day one is just around 1200 cal with the diet.

Day 2:


You can start day 2 with the berry smoothie. You can include low-fat Greek yogurt, non-fat milk, banana, strawberries in the smoothie. The berry smoothie can help you gain antioxidants and plenty of fiber.

Morning snack:

You can consume 1 ounce of nuts along with one banana for the morning snack. The banana can provide you with nutrients like potassium and at the same time, works as an appetite suppressant. That fulfills the needs of antioxidants in the body. Thus, you can quickly satisfy your hunger without consuming a lot of calories.


The lunch is the same with veggie soup. As explained above, a veggie soup is rich in nutrients and consists of minimal calories. It allows you to reduce your calorie count while satisfying the nutrient requirement of your body.

Afternoon snack:

The afternoon snack can be 1 cup of cauliflower and broccoli. It will provide essential nutrients plus help you cut down on the fat. Broccoli is one of the best options you have to detox your body. It also increases the immunization of your body which is an added advantage. On the other hand, broccoli is a goldmine of nutrients. Some of these nutrients include vitamin C, potassium, folic acid, vitamin K and vitamin C. Thus, once again you get a healthy mix of nutrients without consuming a lot of calories.


In dinner, you can consume 4 ounces of grilled chicken. Additionally, you can also eat half a cup of sweet potatoes. You can add sprouts to your diet. The advantage of this diet is that you can get protein-rich food and also additional nutrients in the form of sprouts. Sprouts balance the protein intake and chicken with vitamin A, B, E, C. There is no dearth of nutrients when you’re consuming these two ingredients. Sweet potato completes the nutrients by providing you with selenium, calcium, and iron. Thus, not only can you get nutrients but also the lesser known ones.

Pro Tip:

Whenever you’re cooking any food to follow this diet, you should always use olive oil.

The diet which we have highlighted will again help you fulfill the nutritional requirements and satisfy your appetite as it contains 1200 cal.

Day 3:


In breakfast on the 3rd day, you can again switch over to the green smoothie. You can continue with the same recipe which we described above. The green smoothie offers you potassium, vitamin C, antioxidants as well as plenty of energy to last throughout the day.

Morning snack:

You can consume blueberries 1 cup and 1 ounce of nuts in the morning snack. It will help you avoid binge eating. Blueberries are rich in nutrients and low in calories. They help you reduce cholesterol in the body. They also help you keep your blood pressure under control. On the other hand, when you look at the benefits of nuts, they offer you fiber, antioxidants as well as calcium. Thus, you can consume a healthy snack which consists of low calories.


For lunch, you can opt for 1 cup cherry tomatoes and chopped cucumber. Along with that, you can have 3 ounces of grilled chicken along with cooked quinoa in limited quantity. You can even consume two tablespoons of feta cheese and vinaigrette (1 tablespoon). Cucumber increases the hydration levels of your body and tomatoes provides you with fiber, Folate, and Vitamin C. The rest of the ingredients offer calcium, vitamin B and phosphorus. These ingredients help you consume a healthy diet along with the healthy bacteria in Feta cheese.

Afternoon snack:

You can repeat the afternoon snack of day 1. It will allow you to limit the calories on day 3. The afternoon snack is rich in copper, manganese, vitamin K among other nutrients.


In dinner, you can opt for sesame seeds, steamed broccoli (1 cup) and carrots in the same quantity. You can consume 4 ounces of mahi-mahi along with two tablespoons of the teriyaki sauce. The combination of these ingredients offers you vitamin A, protein, vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids. These ingredients are a real combination, and that is why this dinner plan is so effective.

Pro Tip:

You should bake mahi-mahi at 400F for 10 to 15 minutes. Similarly, you need to steam carrots for just 5 minutes and broccoli for 3 minutes. You can use the sauce and the sesame seeds as a condiment on top. It will help you make them tastier which will allow you to enjoy the dinner.

Once again, the number of calories which you will consume on the 3rd day will be closer to 1250.

Day 4:


The breakfast for day four will be overnight oats along with blueberries. You can add low-fat yogurt to it and use the non-fat milk. If you want to add more nutrients to it, you can add chia seeds (1 tablespoon). It will allow you to have a healthy breakfast which can provide you with a significant amount of energy throughout the day. The reason that this breakfast is so healthy is that it is low in calories. Blueberries offer you antioxidants whereas overnight oats provide you plenty of fiber to digest your food. It is not only healthy but also helps you with digestion which is the main advantage of this breakfast.

Morning snack:

The morning snack will be one banana with 1 ounce of nuts. It will help you satisfy your hunger until noon. You can easily minimize binge eating by consuming this morning snack. Banana once again works as an appetite suppressant, and nuts provide you antioxidants and calcium which is beneficial for bone health.


The lunch on day four will be a bit different. You can consume 3 ounces of tuna along with 2 cups of mixed vegetables. You can have cherry tomatoes and chopped cucumber. You can use vinaigrette as the condiment. However, you have to limit it to just to 1 tablespoon. It will allow you to have a fulfilling lunch and at the same time, it is not heavy enough to induce sleep. You can work your way throughout the day when you consume this lunch.

When you’re consuming this lunch, you can keep your body hydrated and also provide plenty of antioxidants to your body. Tuna benefits your skin whereas mixed vegetables provide you with a whole host of nutrients as explained above.

Afternoon snack:

You can consume 1 cup of broccoli and cauliflower in the afternoon snack. You can add two tablespoons of tzatziki to it. Tzatziki adds Vitamin C to your diet. The other two ingredients allow you to gain vitamins C, vitamin K, and fiber. They help you with detox as well. Hence; it is one of the excellent snacks to have.


You can consume half a cup of sweet potatoes along with 4 ounces of grilled chicken in dinner. You have to bake it in olive oil. You can even eat 1 cup of sprouts at dinner. It will provide you with the right balance of protein, carbohydrates, and other nutrients. The olive oil will also reduce the fat content which will help you limit the calories.

Pro Tip:

You have to grill the chicken only for 5 minutes on each side. You should grill it at medium heat.

The diet for day four will allow you to limit the calorie count to just 1300 cal.

Day 5:


You have to repeat the same recipe like the day earlier. You will consume overnight oats along with blueberries. It is rich in antioxidants and fibers which can help you digest it more easily. The calorie content is on the lower side which is an added advantage.

Morning snack:

You can have one Apple and 1 ounce of nuts in the morning snack. Apple offers you iron and fiber various nuts help you gain plenty of antioxidants. The breakfast allows you to treat any inflammation or allergic reaction which you might be having. The fiber means that you can digest your food quickly.


You can consume 3 ounces of deli Turkey along with one-fourth avocado. Along with it, you can have tortilla made from whole wheat. You can make your lunch even more nutritious by adding 1 cup of green vegetables to it. Since you are consuming tortilla, it is advisable to opt for some probiotic along with it. There are probiotics specific for men which will allow you to digest wheat and other such ingredients easily.

The combination of ingredients selected provides you with protein, vitamin B6, zinc, potassium, fiber, healthy fatty acids among other nutrients. It allows you to top it all off with a variety of different nutrients and the veggies. That is why; it is such a healthy lunch option.

Afternoon snack:

Afternoon snack on day five will consist of baby carrots and snap peas (1 cup). You can consume two tablespoons of hummus along with it. As mentioned above, this combination of ingredients offers you vitamin A, fiber, protein and manganese which are all essential for our body.


The dinner will consist of 4 ounces of shrimp. Along with it, you can have steamed broccoli, steamed carrots (1 cup each). You can also have a half cup of cooked brown rice. You can use sesame seeds and teriyaki sauce as the condiments. You have to limit the sauce to 2 tablespoons and the seeds to 1 teaspoon.

Shrimp offers you protein, and at the same time, the other ingredients offer you vitamin A, vitamin C. The advantage of brown rice is that it is comparatively low in carbohydrates which are an added advantage.

Pro Tip:

You have to cook the shrimp in a pan on medium heat. You have to defrost it before cooking. You have to cook it until it is bright pink. A good choice is to use a nonstick pan so that you can reduce the quantity of oil needed.

The diet plan for day five will limit the calorie count to 1400 cal.

Day 6:


For Breakfast on day 6, you can have a whole wheat toast. You can have two slices of it along with two hard-boiled eggs. You can have hot sauce if you want to add some flavor to it. The main aim of this breakfast is to provide you with nutrients like vitamin B, Folate, zinc and iron. The choice of ingredients in this breakfast will allow you to gain enough energy to last throughout the day.

Morning snack:

The morning snack will be the same. You can consume 1 cup of blueberries along with 1 ounce of nuts. This afternoon snack aims to curb your hunger and gain various nutrients which we have explained above.


On day 6, at lunch, you can have 3 ounces of Smoked Salmon. You can consume one-fourth avocado along with it and also have the same quantity of mixed vegetables as day 5 and a whole wheat tortilla. The combination of all of these ingredients ensures that you can get fiber, potassium, and protein without consuming a lot of carbohydrates or fats.

The lunch plan is such that you can continue with your work without feeling drowsy.

Afternoon snack:

You can have 1 cup of broccoli along with cauliflower. You can add two tablespoons of tzatziki to it. The nutrients offered are the same as in the afternoon snack of day 4.


In dinner, you are permitted to consume 4 ounces of lean steak. You can also have 1 cup of sweet potatoes. Similarly, you can have 1 cup of sprouts. You have to make sure that you’re cooking each and everything with olive oil. It will help you in reducing the number of calories further. The main reason to include meat is to provide you with enough protein. Since you will be cooking each and everything in olive oil, the fat content is on the lower side.

Pro Tip:

You can cook the steak as you prefer. Ideally, you should cook it on medium heat for up to 3 minutes each side.

The diet plan for day six will help you in limiting calories to 1350 for the day.

Day 7:


You can have one scrambled egg in breakfast. You can have half a cup of black beans along with one whole wheat tortilla. It will provide you with enough energy to go through the day. Egg again adds protein to your diet whereas the other ingredients add fiber to your diet. It helps you with the digestive process.

Morning snack:

You can consume 1 ounce of nuts and one Apple in the morning snack. The antioxidants and the fibers present in these ingredients make it the ideal choice for the morning snack.


The lunch will involve deli turkey 3 ounces and 1/4th of avocado. You can have two slices of whole wheat bread along with it. You have to add 1 cup of mixed vegetables to your diet. It will allow you to have the right balance of fat and other nutrients. You can get the whole spectrum of nutrients when you follow this lunch diet. It offers you protein, fibers, vitamin A, vitamin C among other nutrients.

Afternoon snack:

You can again repeat baby carrots and snap peas (1 cup) in the afternoon snack. You can top it off with two tablespoons of hummus. The nutrients on offer in this snack are plenty. You can gain the manganese, copper, vitamin A, protein and fiber.


The advantage of Day 7 is that you can have the kind of dinner which you want. You can even go for your favorite food like Pizza. You can also have red wine in limited quantity. It will allow you to have a delicious dinner rather than one based on the diet. The dinner on day 7 is more of a cheat meal.

Even with the liberal dinner, you can limit the calorie consumption to 1600 cal for the day. As a result, you can witness some weight loss right in the very 1st week instead of having to wait for a long time to experience weight loss.

Every food on this list has a purpose. It aims to provide you with the whole spectrum of nutrients without increasing the fat content which you consume. That is why this diet is so useful. However, following this diet once will not lead yield you long term results.

If you want to lose weight consistently, it is essential to follow this diet again next week. If you go back to the junk food or your usual diet, the benefits of the diet will not last. That is why it is always essential to repeat the diet in the next week so that you can lose weight consistently.

So, if you are looking for a diet plan which will help you lose weight right in the first week, this is the 7-day diet plan which you should follow. It is precisely for men. The diet is designed in such a way that it will help you retain the energy throughout the day and limit the calories which you consume. Once you follow this type of diet, it is effortless to lose weight. You don’t need to follow any elaborate diet plans. You can switch to the 7-day diet plan and see the difference yourself.

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