Sat. Apr 27th, 2024
It's hard getting out of bed on a cold morning, but it's worth it.

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Gaining weight during the winter is quite normal and nothing to be ashamed of. Experts interviewed by Huffington Post explain that adding a few pounds is difficult to avoid at this time of the year because it is a result of innate biological processes. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t or shouldn’t shed that bit of added fat once the spring comes. And you should be able to achieve this quite fast if you use the right strategies for burning fat and toning muscle fast:

Include fat burners in your diet

When you need to get results quickly you should use
supplements and special foods that put fat burning processes into motion. The
most efficient ingredients for this are:

  • Caffeine
  • Green tea extract
  • Greek yogurt
  • Berries
  • Fatty fish
  • Grapefruits
  • Beets

All of these must become staples in your low-calorie
fat-burner diet. You should also prioritize protein in your meal plans during
this time. Cut down on carbs and even consider embracing the keto
. Please note that in this case you need to be very careful when
planning your menu as you must only include healthy fats.

Double up your aerobics

Do you often feel down, sad, and sleepy during the cold
winter months? If so this is because of changing hormone production levels. The
best way to resolve this and to boost fitness at the same time is to put more
focus on cardio workouts as part of your exercise routine.

Aerobic exercise is most effective for burning belly fat, according to Live Science. This is the type of fat which accumulates the most during winter and it is also the most difficult to get rid of. Some studies also show that this type of training is the best for fat burning by default. Whilst this is not necessarily true as resistance training also burns fat and is more effective long term, if your goal is to shed weight fast aerobics is what you need to focus on. As such you will need to use different types of exercise equipment for weight loss at home. Items like stepper machines, ellipticals and treadmills will help give you an intense cardio workout while the weather is not yet good enough for jogging. Having those installed at home will ensure you get more time wot work out.

The minimum amount of aerobic exercise you should take when
burning fat is 300 minutes per week. The longer and more intense your workouts
are, the better for achieving results as rapidly as possible.

Skip resistance in favor of intervals

Resistance training is important for building muscle, and
you should get this kind of workout at least twice a week. However, when in
intense fat-burning mode you can skip or reduce it for two to four weeks.

You should focus on boosting the intensity of your aerobic
training by introducing intervals. This means you need to perform some exercise
with the maximum intensity you are capable of for 30-60 seconds. Then let your
body relax by doing some cool-down exercises for about twenty seconds. Rinse
and repeat.

Get warm when doing fitness

One of the reasons why you gain more weight in winter is
because your body’s metabolism naturally slows. This includes the process of
burning fat. However, it is possible to trick your body into burning a few more
calories by artificially raising body heat (Runner’s World). This means wearing a hoodie or
at least a warm long-sleeved shirt during your next workout. However, be
careful to watch your condition carefully to avoid the risk of overheating.

Find a workout buddy

Exercising with somebody else not only helps you burn fat
faster, it is also a powerful motivator which pushes you forward and keeps you
focused upon sticking to your new exercise routine.

If you prefer to work out at home yet wish to exercise with
someone else, you can use various online forums and social media groups to make
contact. Find one dedicated to supporting those who have just started with
post-winter fat burning programs. The more you have in common with the people
in your group or your workout buddy, the more effective collaborating with them
will be.

Shedding winter fat can be a challenge, especially if you
want to do it quickly. To achieve the results you need focus on methods which
produce immediate results. A highly intense aerobic training regimen is exactly
what you need, but don’t forget to supplement your diet with natural weight
loss enhancers.

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